Friday 26 June 2015

Do You Qualify for Dental Implants?

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If you are looking for a long-term solution to fix the problem of your missing teeth, you have found it. Dental implants are a reliable substitute for missing teeth, as they are custom-made to fit the exact shade of your other remaining teeth. This enables you to have a natural smile, one which people will not be able to detect as false.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a far better option than replaceable teeth. Why do we think that? Instead of us explaining why we recommend dental implants, let the benefits do the talking:

1. Provides You with an Enhanced Appearance

To the touch, dental implants feel like real teeth, and that is exactly how they are suppose to make you feel. For this reason, unlike fake and replaceable teeth, dental implants fuse with your bone, becoming permanent.

2. Improves Your Speech

Not to discredit dentures as unreliable, but if you pit dental implants and dentures together, dental implants will come out as a winner. With dentures, you never know when they will accidentally fall, leaving you to slur and mumble your words.

3. Provides You with Utmost Comfort

At night, you will not have to remove them as you would if you had dentures. You can sleep with them with ease, as soon as a dentist outfits you with them; they become a part of you.

4. Improves Your Chewing

Eating with dentures means spending half of time putting your dentures in place. If your dentures have a habit of falling out while eating, enjoying your favorite dishes or eating out at a restaurant will be embarrassing and a big pain.

5. Improves Your Dental Hygiene

Dental implants will not compromise the health of other teeth, as they are made to support the remaining teeth. Moreover, dental implants will let you clean your teeth more conveniently, as it allows easier entry between teeth, resulting in improved dental hygiene.

6. Enhances Your Confidence

You will be able to smile again with dental implants, which is the biggest benefit out of all of these.

Dental implants should be your choice because they can last you a long time and you will not have to remove them at night as you would with dentures.

Do You Qualify for Dentures?

The biggest question looming over your mind right now would probably be if you qualify for dental implants. Any dentist in Richmond will tell you that you qualify for dental implants if you are missing most of your teeth, but that was a given, so no surprise there.

The other time you should go with dental implants instead of dentures is when you are missing one or more teeth and the teeth next to them are healthy and intact. By getting dental implants, there will be no need to place crowns on the healthy teeth next to the missing tooth. If you are missing teeth in the back of your mouth, dental implants may be your only option, as the missing tooth may not have the support of other teeth.

Where can you find a dentist in Richmond? At Mission Bend Family Dentistry, we have qualified dentists working under us.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Dental Cleaning—Exercise for Your Teeth

You keep yourself healthy by regularly exercising and eating right. You make sure you are at your healthiest at all times, and your strict regime is helping you increase the days and years of your life. However, there is one area in life where you fall flat—your dental hygiene. In doing so, you are letting down your teeth—thirty-two of them (not counting wisdom teeth).

In order to keep your teeth as fit as your body, you need visit a dentist in Richmond. Where will you professional teeth cleaning services? At Mission Bend, our dentists will clean your teeth to ensure that you always have a healthy smile. Here are reasons why dental cleaning is an important part of your life:

ü  Prevents the Formation of Cavities

When plague builds up on your teeth, it leads to the formation of cavities. You need to brush your teeth, floss them, and visit your regular dentist in Richmond for dental cleanings.

ü  Prevents the Development of Gum Disease

Gum disease begins at the same time as plague begins to form on your teeth. People who fail to take care of their teeth at an older age will give way to gum disease, and later tooth loss. When the plague begins to move down your jawbone, your teeth begin to loosen, eventually falling out. You can prevent this ugly future for yourself and your teeth by going to a local dentist in Richmond for a dental cleaning.

ü  Assists You to Smile Wider and Brighter

You want to showcase your smile so why are you hiding it? Oh, is it because you did not take good care of your teeth, resulting in them darkening a shade? If so, you can still save your smile by going to a dentist at Mission Bend. We would love to give your smile back by whitening and polishing it to ensure that you never have to purse your lips together again in a picture.

ü  Helps Freshen Up Your Breath

What is that foul smell? Is it coming from your mouth? We will not say that to you, but you know others will question your dental hygiene when you are around them. Plus, bad breath will not fare well in the dating department so you might as well go in for a dental cleaning if you want to secure future dates.

ü  Acts as a Health Booster

Everything in your body is connected to each other. When one part fails to function properly, others follow suit. For example, you fall sick, but refuse to take medicine (you may not be too keen on taking care of yourself), which makes you sicker.

If you do not care for your teeth, the effects of it will be disastrous, heightening your risk to develop certain diseases such as stroke or heart disease. However, it might not be immediately, but if you are bent on practicing poor dental hygiene habits, you might find yourself in a rut later on.

Mission Bend Family Dentistry can provide you with a smile you have always dream of having. Make an appointment with us now to let us take care of your smile!

Thursday 28 May 2015

Your Smile Is Your Gateway To The World

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 At Mission Bend Family Dentistry you and your family are our top priority. Our expertly trained staff takes the time to get to know each of our patients personally…not just your dental history, but your family as well. We care about the things that you care about, and it shows in everything we do.

 From the moment you walk into our office, you will notice the difference. Our treatment rooms provide TV’s, aromatherapy and blankets to help you relax, and our well-appointed waiting room includes free WiFi Internet access, a treasure chest for our smallest patients, coffee and beverages and video games to keep them entertained. 

 We believe in helping you to look and feel your best, and we know that your smile is your gateway to the world. Our state-of-the-art cosmetic dental services are designed with you in mind, to give you the smile and the confidence that you’ve always dreamed of.

The Invisalign system is designed to straighten your teeth and improve your smile without the inconvenience of bands, wires and brackets. It is the ideal system for professionals who may need the confidence that comes from straightening your teeth, but need to maintain their professional image.

 A series of plastic appliances molded specifically for your mouth are made. Every couple of weeks you simply pop in a new mold, and forget that it’s there…simple as that. Most insurance covers Invisalign, and we can work with you to find a plan that fits your budget.

 Our Powerprox Six-month system is designed to straighten your teeth quickly and efficiently, using time-tested methods and state-of-the-art procedures to give you the smile you’ve always wanted, as quickly as possible.

Professional Teeth Whitening
 As we age, our teeth can begin to turn yellow from things like coffee, tea, smoking, medications, or just simply because we are getting older. Having your teeth professionally whitened can take years off of your smile and restore your confidence, helping you to look and feel your best.

Tooth-Colored Fillings While having to get a filling is not a big deal, most of us prefer that they match our teeth rather than having a metallic glint in the back of our mouth. Mission Bend Dental uses composite fillings color-matched to your teeth so that you are always confident in “putting your best smile forward”.

Six-Month Smiles Six-Month Smile braces are designed to move your teeth using low-force movements, much like our Powerprox system. The difference is that Six-Month Smiles you will have tooth-colored brackets and ultra-thin wires that virtually guarantee that no one will even know you have braces!

 Call us today at (832) 895-5110 and let our friendly, knowledgeable staff answer your questions and schedule an appointment for you today. Let us show you how Mission Bend Dental can make a difference not only in how you feel about yourself, but how you feel about going to the dentist as well! We are looking forward to meeting your dental needs!

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Comprehensive and Preventative Treatments for Your Family

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 At Mission Bend Family Dentistry, you and your family are our first priority. From the moment you walk into our office, our friendly and knowledgeable staff are dedicated to making sure that you feel safe, comfortable and cared for.

 Our Drs. Puckett and Edwards will always take the time to answer your questions and discuss your options, and to make sure that you are comfortable with the procedure before they begin.
 Our Comprehensive Dentistry program is designed to focus on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases that affect your gums, teeth and jaw. Proper dental care, including regular check-ups, preventative treatments, early diagnosis and treatment and follow up will ensure that you and your family have healthy teeth and gums and prevent future problems.

 Custom Made Mouth-guards for Sports and Night Guards
 If your child is involved in sports, protecting their mouth and teeth is one of the most important things you can do. Injuries to the teeth, gums and jaw send more than 600,000 children to the emergency room every year, and many of them could be prevented with proper mouth protection. Mission Bend will custom make your child’s mouth guard to ensure a proper fit and the very best protection for your child’s teeth and jaw.

 Grinding your teeth due to stress can wear down the enamel and cause jaw pain. A custom-fitted night guard will help to control the pressure on your teeth and jaw, and keep you from creating permanent damage.

 Cleanings and Check-ups
 Getting regular check-ups and cleanings will help to keep your teeth and gums healthy. We recommend that you have this done every six months, so that your doctor can keep abreast of changes that may be happening in your mouth, and either prevent problems or catch them quickly to avoid further complications. For children, we recommend the application of dental sealants that protect the teeth. They are effective in preventing tooth decay, especially when children are not yet very good at brushing. We will also monitor your child’s teeth and recommend fluoride treatments if we feel that they are needed.

 At Mission Bend Family Dentistry, the patient always comes first. Each appointment is scheduled so that you have adequate time to discuss your concerns with your doctor either before or after your treatment, and should questions arise after you leave our office, our knowledgeable and friendly staff will gladly assist you with either scheduling a follow-up appointment or having the doctor call you when he is free.

 Call us today at (832) 895-5110 to schedule an appointment and see for yourself what a difference Mission Bend Family Dentistry can make in your life. We will gladly answer your questions and discuss your treatment options and plans with you in a comfortable, non-threatening environment designed to put you at ease from the moment you walk through our doors. We want you to feel confident that you are in the very best of hands…Ours!

Tuesday 21 April 2015

When do I need a fluoride treatment?

Adult patients are often recommended to obtain a fluoride treatment by dentists and hygienists. A common question with adult patients is quote do I really need a fluoride treatment?" Many adults assume that this type of treatment is only necessary for children. This stems from insurance coverage provisions, which typically only afford this coverage to patients under the age of 18.

If you are an adult who has a moderate to high risk of cavities studies have shown that a topical fluoride application performed by a professional dentist can create a significant benefit for you and the health of your teeth.

One aspect of fluoride treatments that some people do not consider is that if you are an adult on certain types of medication you can suffer from dry mouth. Dry mouth is caused by several different types of medications as a side effect and when the amount of saliva is reduced in a patient's mouth, the risk of cavities becomes higher. This type of patient is a good candidate for fluoride treatments.

Another condition that warrants fluoride treatments is the condition of receding gums, which occurs in many adults. When this occurs part of the root surface of your tooth is exposed. Because these areas of the tooth are softer than the hard enamel towards the top of the tooth, these areas are more susceptible to damage and decay. Fluoride treatments can help these areas.

If you are an adult patient who has recently gone undergone the application of a crown or a bridge, a fluoride treatment may be used to help to protect the areas at the edges of these types of restorations. This is important because crowns and bridges cost a lot of money and a fluoride treatment is an excellent way to protect your investment.

Patients who have braces often find it difficult to practice proper oral hygiene. Fluoride treatments are often recommended for patients who have braces in order to circumvent the problems they may have in keeping good oral hygiene. Since many adults are obtaining braces later in life, fluoride treatments are a good solution for these adult patients.

If you have had any recent tooth restoration due to tooth decay this means that you are at a high risk of getting cavities especially if you are now an adult. If you are already prone to cavities for any reason, fluoride treatments are especially important.

Flossing has long been known to help prevent tooth decay. It is a basic component of regular daily dental hygiene and if you are ignoring your flossing habits, you should consider fluoride treatments as a supplement to your dental care.

Those who have diets that are high in acids or a few are a regular user of teeth whitening products the protective coating of your teeth enamel is being worn away slowly. This can cause sensitive teeth issues for many adults. Fluoride treatments can help to prevent sensitive teeth because it can help to re-mental mineral lies re-mineral lies tooth enamel and reduce your sensitivity.

If you are a cancer patient who has undergone radiation treatments, you can benefit from regular topical fluoride treatments as well. Saliva glands are typically damaged by radiation treatment, which means that the amount of saliva in your mouth is reduced. Saliva acts as a protective barrier to your teeth and when it is reduced your risk of cavities increases. Fluoride treatments are a good way to combat this risk.

If you are an adult who is considering fluoride treatments but have questions about its viability and practicality for your dental hygiene regimen contact the professionals at mission then family dentistry today. Conveniently located in Richmond, Texas mission and family dentistry has professionals that can help you with your topical fluoride application questions.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Different Kinds of Dental Teeth Fractures

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Dues fractures are more common in the dental world than people may realize. While these fractures can occur to patients of any age, they are most prevalent in those patients above the ages of 25. Teeth fractures can sometimes be hard to diagnose and they are very painful but fortunately, they are sometimes easily treatable. Read on to learn about the several different types of tooth fractures that can occur.

An oblique supra-gingival fracture is the first type of crack that you should be aware of. This type of fracture occurs above the gum line and this normally happens when someone bites down hard on something. This type of fracture does not involve any nerve endings and once the fractured area breaks off the pain associated with this fracture tends to subside. If there is any dentin that has been exposed because of the fracture, this can easily be put repaired. Large fractures of this type may require a crown to prevent further fractures within that tooth. The second type of fracture occurs far below the goal gum line and this is known as an oblique sub gingival fracture. Because these are located so far below the gum line, it is rare that the fractured piece of piece of tooth will ever break free on its own. These fractures tend to stay in place causing a great deal of pain. The fracture piece can be removed by your dentist and once it is removed that pain usually subsides. In some cases, if the fracture is severe enough a root canal will be required to clean out the tooth prior to the application of a crown.

This type of fracture becomes more serious depending on how far below the gum line it has occurred. If it is very deep, the tooth may not be able to be saved. While many of these fractures cause great pain in some cases, the crack can be present in the tooth for a very long time before the patient becomes aware of it. Regular visits to your dentist should reveal whether any such fracture has occurred in your tooth.

The next type of fracture is an oblique route fracture. This type of fracture is most often found below the gums normally under bone tissue. This type of fracture does not involve any part of the tooth crown. If any type of route fracture extends up to the crown of the tooth it is likely that the tooth will cannot be saved. In some cases, a root canal can save the tooth however; the success rate is poor with this type of approach. Oftentimes an abscess will develop later in the tooth causing the need for extraction.

The most difficult type of fracture to deal with is known as a Vertical Apical Route fracture, which occurs at the tip of the root of the tooth. This type of fracture is incredibly painful. The pain results from bits of fracture tooth putting pressure on the bone tissue. The only way to solve this type of fracture is to undergo a root canal. This will not only ease the pain but it will also remove the dead pulp from the tooth that is affected by the fracture.

Fractures are very common and very painful and if you experience this type of injury, it is important to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Although they may be tolerable if you let them go they become they can become more serious over time if they are not treated quickly.

For dental patients located west of Houston in Richmond Texas, be sure to consider mission Mission Bend Family Dentistry. If you're concerned about any fractures in your teeth the professionals at Mission Bend Family Dentistry are here to help. We can make your tooth repair as quick and painless and as pain-free as possible as quick and as pain-free as p

Friday 27 March 2015

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry involves repairs to the teeth or some minor changes performed by your dentist. There are many techniques to improve the alignment or shape of the teeth which may get chipped, discolored, misshapen or even get missed out of their place.
What happens is that a dentist can close the space between the teeth, correct the shape or even restore the worn out teeth and a short tooth as well. The different methods, which are applied, include crowns, bonding, bleaching, reshaping, contouring and veneers as well.
1. Bleaching:
Bleaching is the most popular and common technique which involves a chemical process to whiten the teeth. A few people opt for bleaching to get more white color on the teeth and some of the people just want to remove the stains from the teeth.

The teeth are discolored due to many factors like drinking much tea and coffee, as well as smoking cigarettes and through some medication. However, discoloration can be genetic or can occur as a person ages with time. Bleaching can be conducted at the dentist’s office or under careful dental supervision at home.
The treatment involves the creation of a custom mouthpiece by the dentist, which ensures the correct application of the whitening solution on the teeth. The mouthpiece also ensures that the teeth are exposed during the treatment. If performed at home, bleaching takes two to four weeks and it depends on the shade a patient wants from the dentist. However, at dentist’s clinic, bleaching may require just two sessions of nearly one hour respectively.
2. Bonding:
Bonding involves tooth-colored material, which is filled in the gaps between the teeth, or it can be sued to change the color of the teeth. Bonding only requires one visit to the dentist and the procedure takes one hour only. However, this method lasts many years and is very effective indeed.
The fact is that bonding is much susceptible to the chipping or the staining of the teeth as compared to other methods. If small cavities are present, bonding can be used to fill them up as well. Moreover, bonding is effective to cover the whole surface of the tooth from the outside.
3. Crowns:
Crowns are actually caps and they cover the tooth to bring it back to normal shape. In this way, the tooth appears good like other teeth respectively. Since it is an expensive method, it is only carried out in extreme circumstances when the other treatment is not effective at all.
However, the best part is that crowns are durable for long and it takes much time for the dentist to execute this treatment respectively.
4. Veneers:
The veneers are thin pieces of plastic or porcelain, which cover the front part of the teeth and help to change the shape or the color as well. Veneers are primarily used on those teeth, which have been chipped or are uneven as well as those teeth, which are oddly shaped and are crooked.
When veneers are placed over the teeth, no anesthesia is given to the patient. This treatment is an alternative for the crowns as well.
Contact Mission Bend Family Dentistry today if you are seeking advice on your cosmetic dental options. We understand that a person’s confidence is tied closely to their appearance and if your cosmetic dental issues are getting in the way of your confidence, then contact us and we can give you many options to help your appearance improve through Dentistry.